Statutory and Targeted Services

Updated: 07/07/22

As a service we work alongside and in cooperation with a variety of different partners, including: the local authority, Virtual School for Looked After Children, Virtual School for Sensory Support, and educational settings.

Statutory Services

Our statutory work, as directed by Norfolk County Council, is free at the point of delivery and includes:

  • Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) assessments and attendance at EHCP planning meetings
  • Statutory Reviews where there are questions regarding:
    o The appropriateness of mainstream education for a child / young person
    o Transition to a special school / setting
  • Expert witness input to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal.
  • Professional advice to Local Authority decision-making panels

Targeted Services

Professional specialist services for vulnerable groups of children are available (e.g. Looked After Children, Not in Education Employment or Training) and are directed by the Virtual Schools for Looked After Children and Sensory Support, or Norfolk County Council. Our targeted services include:

  • Specialist assessments
  • Targeted interventions
  • Multi-disciplinary collaboration

Core Consultations

Core Consultations are a free service offered to Norfolk schools by Educational Psychology & Specialist Support (EPSS), as part of the local offer of SEN support services. Please see our Core Consultations page for more information.