FAQ for Parents & Carers and Children & Young People

Updated: 05/01/22

What is  Norfolk Educational Psychology & Specialist Support?

Educational Psychology and Specialist Support (EPSS) is made up of teams of people, all with different skills, trained to understand how children and young people learn and develop


What do the EPSS teams do?

We work with pupils, teachers and parents/carers and share ideas on learning and how to cope with difficulties.

We work alongside any other professionals who might be involved.

We try to find out how to make things better for children and young people.

We help in a variety of ways, for example:

  • How to get along with friends
  • How to manage schoolwork that is difficult
  • How to find ways to help relax and worry less
  • How to help manage behaviour


How do the EPSS teams work?

We can work with individual pupils, small groups, a class or the whole school.


How might someone from EPSS work with my child?

We might:

  • Meet with the child/young person and the adults who best know them to plan ways to make things better
  • Visit the class or the playground
  • Talk about feelings about school or home and how things could be better
  • Do some tasks and activities to see what helps the child/young person to learn
  • Come back to school to see if things are better


What are the different teams in EPSS that I might meet?

Autism Support Assistants – further information here

Psychologists, Educational and others – further information here

SEMH Practitioners – further information  here

Specialist Learning Support Teachers – further information here


How can I access support from EPSS?

If you are worried about how your child is getting on in school and think extra, professional support from EPSS might help, you should discuss your concerns with your school SENDCo. (Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator)

Schools can purchase EP services from a range of providers. If your school has a contract with EPSS, they will be highlighting the children they want us to work with via our regular school visits.

If the SENDCo decides to request support for your child, they will discuss this with you and ask for your written permission.

Once a referral has been made, someone from EPSS will contact both you and the school and arrange to carry out the agreed work with your child.

You and the school will receive a written report of our involvement with your child and suggestions to support them going forward.