EPSS Professional Support Menu
(This page is currently under development)
SLSTs and Educational Psychologists
- Understanding Attachment
- Behaviour Management
- Motivational Interviewing
- Solution Focused Approaches
- Anti-bullying strategies
- Lego based Therapy
- Social Stories
- Children with complex medical conditions
- Understanding the teenage brain
- Collaborative Problem Solving
- Emotional Literacy
- Use of sociograms to enhance social relationships
- Mental Health training
- Mindfulness
- Restorative Techniques
- Conflict Resolution and conflict characters
- De-escalation of Behaviour
- Precision Teaching/ Literacy Interventions
- Dyslexia
- Emotional Regulation
- Therapeutic Storywriting
Group Work
- Social Skills
- Self esteem
- Behaviour Change
- Emotional Literacy
- Cognitive Behavioural
- Solution Focused
- Dyslexia
- Anger management
- Circle of Friends
- Therapeutic Storywriting
- Mediation
- Solution-focused strategies
- Pupil Voice
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy approaches
- Play – based therapy
- Lego-based therapy
- Mentoring students
- Conflict resolution and restorative approaches
- Systemic work gathering information from all people around the child
- Specialist Teaching around Literacy difficulties
- Consultation
Dynamic assessment
In addition, we can offer supervision, consultation and coaching.
Autism Support Team
- Lego Based Therapy
- Social Stories
- Transition
- Social Skill
- Circle of Friends
- The Incredible 5- Point Scale
- Zones of Regulation
- Colourful Semantics
The Autism Support Team are the Autism Education Trust (AET) Training Partner for Norfolk. As such, they deliver the DfE supported Autism Education Trust Programme of training to upskill school staff and enable them to better support autistic children and young people.
There are a range of Autism Education Trust training opportunities available this year, please click on the links for more information:
As training dates are scheduled, ‘Making Sense of Autism’ will be advertised on-line on the Educator Solutions website https://www.educatorsolutions.org.uk
Or contact Julie Julie.stewart@norfolk.gov.uk. to express interest in the early years’ training and Sue susan.ackerley@norfolk.gov.uk to express interest in the schools’ training.
Other training available:
- Classroom strategies using the TEACCH approach
- Classroom strategies using the SPELL framework
- Lego-based Therapy
- Social Stories
- Autism Environment
- https://padlet.com/juliestewart1/limqp6fg7jxr6gf0 School information
- https://padlet.com/juliestewart1/rfj56bsahtmifi3g Parent information
SEMH Support Team
- Behaviour management
- Anti-bullying strategies
- Solution Focused Approaches
- Understanding Attachment
- Use of Restorative Techniques
- De-escalation of Behaviour
- Emotional Regulation
- Transition
- Anxiety Management
- Drawing and Talking
The SEMH team works 1:1 with children and young people. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, but the following makes up some of the team’s individual level work around a range of SEMH needs.
- Solution-focused strategies
- Pupil Voice
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy approaches
- Play – based therapy
- Lego-based therapy
- Mentoring students
- Conflict resolution and restorative approaches
- Systemic work gathering information from all people around the child
- Modelling social skills
- Mindfulness
The SEMH team can also work with small groups or classes, following a discussion between school staff and the SEMH practitioner.
Please see the SEMH team padlet for useful websites, information and resources for SEMH needs: