Publications and Theses

Updated: 21/03/24

These are research articles and doctoral theses written by EPSS Professionals, some of which are freely available via a clickable link. If you would like to access any other articles, please get in touch.


 An exploration of Educational Psychologists’ perceptions of enabling and  restricting factors  affecting children’s involvement in statutory assessment, process and outcomes  (Dr Hester Howells, Educational Psychologist) 

Using a Personal Construct Psychology (PCP) Technique to explore the educational views and experiences of children and young people with  Selective Mutism

(Rachel Wade, Trainee Educational Psychologist) 

 A Study Exploring School Belonging in Children of Service Personnel

(Dr Kirsty Daniels, Educational Psychologist) 

 Teachers’ perceptions, impact of shame and self-compassion on children within school.

(Dr Richard Smith, Educational Psychologist) 

 Avoiding a PEX (Sarah Gentle, Specialist Learning Support Teacher and Carrie Miller, Specialist Learning Support Teacher) 


The relationship between maths teaching anxiety, attitudes towards maths and teacher self-efficacy on maths anxiety   (2022)

(Kyli Timmins, SEMH practitioner) 

Case Studies Exploring the Lived Experienced of Children and Young People with ADHD, and the Lived Experiences of their Parents (2022)

(Paul Codling, Trainee Educational Psychologist) 

Edwards, P., Bunn, H. (under review in 2022). “We have to carry on”. A participatory research project with young people enrolled on a supported internship program during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Educational and Child Psychology.

INg, R., Bunn, H. (2022). Autism doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a parent who never gives up”:  A Family Resilience Perspective to Exploring the Views of Black and Minority Ethnic Parents of Children with Autism. Debate, DECP. 182.


McLean, S. & Halstead, E. (2021). Resilience and Stigma in Mothers of Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 108.  

Howells,H. (2021) An exploration of Educational Psychologists’ perceptions of enabling and restricting factors affecting children’s involvement in statutory assessment processes and outcomes.    2021 Howells H Thesis.pdf (

Greenblatt, R., Gumbs, S., Lemboye, S., Blanchard, J. and Bunn, H. (2021). Educational Psychology in the Virtual World: A Small Study on Practice Adaptations During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Potential Benefits for Future Services. Educational Psychology Research and Practice. 7 (2), pp. 1-11.

Kombou, E., Bunn, H. (2021). What are Nurture Group Staffs’ Experiences of How Their Resilience is Supported in School ? International Journal of Nurture in Education, 7. ISSN 2059-0466.

Speed, E, Thomas, M, Bunn, H. (2021). The English Baccalaureate and devaluation of the arts in school: students’ perceptions of subject value, and the psychological and social impact. Educational and Child Psychology, 38 (1). ISSN 0267-1611.


Parental narratives around decision-making regarding secondary educational provision for children with an Education, Health Care Plan

(Dr Lloyd Smith, Educational Psychologist) 

Szabo-Hemmings, J. (2020) Exploring the Relationship Between Empathy and Friendship Quality in Adolescence: A Dyadic Approach Leiden University  MasterThesisJoeSzabo-Hemmings

Wagner, K., Bunn, H. (2020). Academic progress through the lenses of children with SEN: an IPA study. Educational Psychology in Practice, 36 (1), 52-68. DOI: 10.1080/02667363.2019.1674250


Winter, S., Bunn, H. (2019) Work to be done? A survey of educational psychologists exploring their contribution to special schools for profound and multiple learning difficulties. Submitted to Educational Psychology in Practice

Bunn, H., Turner, G., Macro, E. (2019). The Wellbeing Toolkit Training Programme: A Useful Resource for Educational Psychology Services? Psychology in Russia. State of the Art, 12 (4), 210-228. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2019.0413.

Rae, T., Bunn, H., Walshe, J. (2019). The Essential Guide to Positive Psychology with Young People (Hinton House Essential Guides) ISBN: 978-1-906531-84-3

Raspin,S.,Smallwood, R., Hatfield, S .,Boesley, L. (2019) Exploring the use of the  ARROW =literacy intervention for  looked  after children in a UK local authority: Educational Psychology in Practice: Vol 35, No 4 (  click here

Bunn, H, Boesley, L. (2019). My New School transition to high school for children with special educational needs in England – findings and ideas for practice. Support for Learning, 34 (2), 128-147.

Mann, I. (2019). The Barrier of Negative Thinking: Comparing Cognitive Errors and Attributional Style in Weak and Able Readers. DEdPsy thesis, University College London, UK.  Further information about the research

Raspin,S (2019) An investigation of teachers’ and teaching assistants’ causal attributions for challenging behaviour in primary school settings  DAppEdPsy thesis (Nottingham ePrints) click here

Speed, E. (2019). Unequal perceptions of school subject value: exploring Key Stage 3 students’ value attribution patterns and the psychological impact. DEdCPsy thesis, University of East London, UK. Further information about the research


Ackerley, S., & Bunn, H. (2018). Research in Brief: Changing school culture and practices – an action research project with soft system methodology used by educational psychology.  Debate, Edition 169, December 2018. British Psychological Society, Division of Education and Child Psychology. Further information about the research


Ackerley, S. (2017). The views of young people with an autism spectrum disorder on their experience of secondary school. DEdCPsy thesis, University of East London, UK. Further information about the research

Bunn, H & Robinson, M. (2017). Children with complex medical conditions and their school experiences – a tentative model. DECP Debate, 165

Bunn, H, Davis, D & Speed, E (2017). High school transition – an intervention that empowers children with special educational needs and improves school practice. Support for Learning, 32 (3)

Robinson, N., Bunn, H. & Gersch, I. (2017). A preliminary study on using the “Little Box of Big Questions (2012)” for children with social, emotional, behavioural and moderate learning needs. Educational Psychology Research and Practice, 3(2)

Finger-Berry, B. (2017) Initial impact and young people’s views on a PSHE mental health teaching programme. Mental Health in Schools, Carnegie School of Education/Leeds University, December 2017


Bunn, H. (2015). Research in Brief: Complex Medical Conditions – Issues for
Parents and what can be done in Practice? Debate, Edition 154, March 2015. British Psychological Society, Division of Educational and Child Psychology.

Finger-Berry, B. (2015). Death of a School Friend – How Young People Cope and What Helps.
EdD thesis, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.


Hatfield, S. (2014). Safeguarding the Safeguarders: Supporting workers with children who sexually abuse peers. Educational and Child Psychology, 31, 3, 33-41.

Kimber, L. (2014). Research in Brief: Exploring Young People’s Experiences of a Placement in Specialist Educational Provision for Behaviour, Emotional and Social Difficulties. Debate, Edition 153, December 2014. British Psychological Society, Division of Educational and Child Psychology.

Kimber, L. (2014). Exploring Young People’s Experiences of a Placement in
Specialist Educational Provision for Behaviour, Emotional and Social Difficulties. DEdCPsy thesis, University of East London, UK. Further information about the research


Thatcher, J. (2011). An Exploration of the Views and Experiences of Children
with Specific Learning Difficulties/Dyslexia as Consumers of Special Educational Provision and of their Parents and Professionals. Further information about the research


Fields, K. (2009). Advocacy for Children with Learning Difficulties and
Communication Support Needs – The use of Peer Advocates and the Effects of the Role of the Advocate. DEdCPsy thesis, University of East London, UK. Further information about the research