14/05/19 - 09:41:01 | Published in Training

Supporting bereaved children in school communities

To be arranged as Inset/twilight on request of school

The Childhood Bereavement Network estimates that 2.7% of children in Norfolk have experienced the death of a parent or sibling.

Children who are bereaved often turn to adults they have a trusting relationship with, and within schools this can be any member of staff.

This course will give an overview of children’s needs after a bereavement, and will also explore the specific role that school staff can play. We will look at some typical issues that schools are faced with, and consider what role school can take pro-actively in preparing for and helping children following a bereavement.

Aims of the Training Event
• To develop a good understanding of the effects of bereavement on children, including their learning and their behaviour
• To gain knowledge about how to support bereaved children effectively, and how to respond to bereaved parents
• To gain confidence in supporting children and their families
25/03/2019 09:00 – 15:30

Any member of school staff
Trainer: Bianca Finger-Berry, Critical Incident Lead Officer, EPSS

Booking Information:
This is free to LA schools or schools who have signed up to Critical Incident support.
Please email bianca.finger-berry@norfolk.gov.uk