01/11/17 - 09:20:15 | Published in Training

“Circle of friends” – Supporting Children Who Are Socially Isolated (EPSS Twilight)

24th of April 2018, 4-6 p.m.

Every class has a child that no one wants to play with and many of the adults in school understand why. They are often children who are at the centre of playtime conflict, socially vulnerable or who seem completely unaware about how to play with others. How can a teacher change this?


“Circle of friends” is a structured intervention that is designed to support children who feel friendless at school and their learning, behaviour or wellbeing is suffering as a result. It can be run by a teacher or TA over the course of a half term and is good for both the mentee and the mentors.


Children can be part of the solution with a little guidance from an adult.


Any adult who works with a child who seems socially isolated.

Cost: £50

Schools with an EPSS contract or subscription pay £40 for a place.

Sarah Gentle, Specialist Learning Support Teacher

Please see S4S site for further information and booking: http://s4s.norfolk.gov.uk/Event/62158