Autism Support Parents/ Carers

Updated: 11/10/22

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Norfolk All Age Autism Strategy 2016-2019

The Norfolk Autism Partnership Board is developing a Norfolk All Age Autism Strategy, providing a response to the National Autism Strategy and reflecting the needs of local people.

The Autism Partnership Board recognise it is vital that it asks for the views of people with Autism, their family and carers, and people who work with autistic people.

The Norfolk All Age Autism Strategy aims to increase awareness and understanding of autism by all organisations, staff and volunteers who work with, and provide services to, anyone with Autism, including within the local community.

In addition, the Autism Partnership Board want to ensure that the right support is provided at the right time to people with Autism throughout their lifetime, including support for families and carers, through focusing on the following aims:

  • Better education and health outcomes
  • Being socially and economically active
  • Living in accommodation that meets the needs of people with Autism – both where they want to live and who they want to live with
  • Being treated sensitively and appropriately in the criminal justice system

The Strategy is currently in a draft format, and needs YOUR input. At present, it has the following structure:

  • The national context
  • Where we are now
  • Norfolk’s vision for the future

The Autism Partnership Board is encouraging all individuals, organisations and groups to review the draft strategy, and provide feedback and insight.

The draft Norfolk All Age Autism Strategy is available through the Norfolk County Council ‘Citizen Space’ website: (


The Norfolk All Age Autism Strategy will take into consideration all observations and produce the final version to be launched in January 2017.

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